In order to enable "subheader" field in tt_content you can follow the procedure:
- 1) Enable “subheader” field in all different tt_content types (or you can decide for a specific type). Go in TSREF Setup (Typoscript) and paste the following lines of code:
lib.subheader = TEXT
lib.subheader {
field = subheader
required = 1
dataWrap = <h5 class=“subheader subheaderlayout-{field:layout}”>|</h5>
htmlSpecialChars = 1
editIcons = tt_content:subheader,layout
editIcons.beforeLastTag = 1 = LLL:EXT:css_styled_content/pi1/locallang.xml:eIcon.subheader
prefixComment = 2 | Subheader:
tt_content.header {
20 >
20 < lib.subheader
tt_content.text {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.image {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.textpic {
10.15 = TEXT
10.15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.bullets {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.table {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.uploads {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.table {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.multimedia {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.swfobject {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.qtobject {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
} {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
} {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.login {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.splash {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
} {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.shortcut {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
tt_content.list {
15 = TEXT
15 < lib.subheader
} - 2) Now you need to enable the field in TCA of TYPO3. (typo3conf/extables.php) Go in typo3conf and add the following lines of code in “extTables.php” file:
#re-enabling subheader in tt_content
t3lib_extMgm::addToAllTCAtypes("tt_content", 'subheader;;', 'text,textpic', 'before:bodytext');