TYPO3 7 Php and userFunc: What's up?

As userFunc lover, questionable choice, we should keep us updated about changes done on new TYPO3 version released...and you too...

The first difference noticed is the inclusion of a userFunc library in TypoScript.
In version 6 you could include the physical file containing a script by inserting, arbitrarily the page, one of these strings and after userFunc include:

config.includeLibrary = {$myPhpLib} or includeLibs.myLib = {$myPhpLib}
page.20= USER
page.20.userFunc= user_myLib->myFunc

Where $myPhpLib is /path/user_myLib.php

In TYPO3 7 USER e USER_INT, the only way, apparently after few test with old methods, is to insert the lib directly in the object:

page.20= USER
page.20.includeLibs = {$myPhpLib}
page.20.userFunc= user_myLib->myFunc


After the correct inclusion, as first test has been inserted the debug function, t3lib_utility_Debug::debug, unfortunately without success and the following error has been returned:
PHP Fatal error:  Class 't3lib_utility_Debug' not found

In old version, in the code, was sufficient call the object in the function:

public function debug($what){
 return true;

In the new version, it is required specify entire namespace in the inclusion:

public function debug($what){
 return true;

One thing it seems deeply changed, the screen output:

from to

New updates about changes will be available soon.