The goal of the project was to create a portal accessible from all over the world and in particular those areas with poor connectivity and low bandwidth. So in detail:

  • Lightweight code
  • Compatibility of different types of devices (smartphones, tablets, desktop PCs, etc.)
  • Easy to use Integration of maps with multiple levels
  • Possibility of reporting for administrators
  • Feedback tool for users
  • Self rescue in case of connection failure


The application was developed in TYPO3 (CMS) to accommodate the different levels of permissions for managing users and administrators.

For the management of maps with different multi levels it has been integrated  ArcGIS Online. This integrates seamlessly with ESRI ArcGIS (desktop version). The maps are also much faster loading.

It was also implemented a system of autosave to avoid losing the progress of the questionnaire in case of slow connections or absence of that.


It ‘was developed a system of questionnaires to the percentage of completion that allows the user to keep track of the progress made up to that point. Also, when filling out the questionnaire  the end user can  interact with the system administrator through a feedback system.


The panel management was developed in frontend. The administrator can monitor in real time the progress of the test, check the detail of those carried out and compiling reports on the data.

Using TYPO3 Backend, the user administrator can manage user permissions that need to compile the questionnaries